Diving into Redox OS

Hello everyone :sunglasses:,
I’m captivated by Redox OS’s innovative approach to operating system design. Its Rust foundation, user-space drivers, and custom C library, relibc, are truly inspiring. As a software engineer with a passion for operating systems and Rust, I’m eager to contribute to this promising project.

My background includes a computer science degree and practical experience with C and Python. I recently started learning Rust, and I can’t wait to use what I’ve learned in practical situations. Redox OS offers a fantastic chance for doing that.

To kickstart my involvement, I have a few questions;

  • Learning the Ropes; What are the best resources for understanding Redox OS’s architecture and design philosophy? While I’ve explored the official documentation, additional tutorials or guides would be invaluable.
  • Contributing Effectively; Where can a newcomer like me make the most impact? Are there specific areas where contributions are particularly needed or where I can start without in-depth system knowledge? :thinking:
  • Setting Up My Workspace; What’s the recommended development environment for Redox OS? Are there specific tools, IDE configurations, or setups that the community favors?:thinking:
  • Joining the Community; How can I effectively engage with the Redox OS community? Are there dedicated channels, forums, or meetups where developers collaborate and share knowledge?:thinking:
  • Seeking Guidance; Is there a mentorship program or experienced developers willing to guide new contributors? Having a mentor to answer questions would be incredibly helpful.

I came across to this resources/article https://discourse.redox-os.org/t/redox-entry-on-microkernel-info/75/what-is-alteryx - Redox Community forum apps Framework, and as per them I need to simplify my queries to reduce their complexity, or wait for the budget to reset before retrying the query​.

I’m eager to learn, contribute, and grow within the Redox OS community.

Thank you for your time and support!! :pray: :pray: