Make all failed, xargo command not found

When I run make all, I get the the error command not found xargo. I have tried to install xargo but I can’t even find xargo. Here is the output.

cargo run --manifest-path installer/Cargo.toml -- --cookbook=cookbook initfs.toml
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
 Running `installer/target/debug/redox_installer --cookbook=cookbook initfs.toml`

Install Config {
general: GeneralConfig {
prompt: false,
sysroot: Some(
packages: {
“drivers”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“init”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“redoxfs”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
files: [
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/init.rc”,
data: “export PATH /bin\nexport TMPDIR /tmp\nvesad T T G\nstdio display:1\nps2d\npcid /etc/pcid.toml\nredoxfs disk:0 file\ncd file:\nrun.d /etc/init.d\n”
users: {}
Create directory /home/awesomepilot/programming/rust/redox/redox/build/initfs/
repo - building drivers
cook - drivers update
./ line 139: xargo: command not found
./ recipe for target ‘build/initfs.tag’ failed
make: *** [build/initfs.tag] Error 1

I found that I can install this with cargo. Thanks anyway…