Redox-os is compatible with deno?

Hi! I would be very happy to create my stuff in redox-os if redox-os supports the deno. Partly because my knowledge is frontend and backend in Javascript. I believe that we can create an incredible ecosystem around redox-OS if there is compatibility of deno and cargo. In part because we have the Rust and Javascript audience coming together to create something amazing.

Hello @anon50901383
It is great to hear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:your excitement for creating with redox os with deno support. Your experience with frontend and backend JavaScript would be a useful addition to the redox os system.

Hello Anon, as far as I know Javascript and Rust is rather far away, because Rust is middle level language (and it is a compiler) like C or C++, meanwhile Javascript is high level language designed for web application (it’s an interpreter), although Rust can use web assembly to create web application. So, it’s rather difficult to make compatible between deno and cargo (Rust configuration file). I have a little background in Minix OS (by Prof. Andrew Tanenbaum) and I’m currently trying to finish my work in CodeIgniter 4 (PHP, Javascript). I don’t know anything about deno, …just a litle bit of JQuery and ajax. Please correct me if I’m wrong.