Install on holochain for Redox

I think it would benefit both sides (Redox and holochain) a Redox system running over holochain, it would mean Redox would gain a good involvement on cloud, with p2p and grid computing and for holochain, being able to run common projects not developed for holochain on the first hand. Redox being developed on Rust is already ported directly by holochain. I am talking specifically about holochain because it is better suited for many regular services and programs, specially lighter and scalable

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Welcome to the forum! Having had a very brief look at Holochain, I am unclear exactly what it is.

Is it something that has to be built into the system (maybe something Redox’s “url inspired” filesystem lends itself to?) or an app that is installed?

It is like a toolset, having it installed you have tools like a compiler for developing distributed applications and another program for mining holocoins