Almost at the end of ‘make all’, I cancel it without patient. When I run make all again, I get the error. Here is the output.
fusermount -u build/filesystem/ || true
rm -rf build/filesystem.bin build/filesystem.bin.partial build/filesystem/
dd if=/dev/zero of=build/filesystem.bin.partial bs=1048576 count=256
记录了256+0 的读入
记录了256+0 的写出
268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 0.12695 s, 2.1 GB/s
cargo run --manifest-path redoxfs/Cargo.toml --release --bin redoxfs-mkfs build/filesystem.bin.partial
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.01 secs
Runningredoxfs/target/release/redoxfs-mkfs build/filesystem.bin.partial
redoxfs-mkfs: created filesystem on build/filesystem.bin.partial, reserved 0 blocks, size 268 MB, uuid 2301a522-5368-4fa3-b781-a8e2700a8764
mkdir -p build/filesystem/
cargo build --manifest-path redoxfs/Cargo.toml --release --bin redoxfs
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.03 secs
cargo run --manifest-path redoxfs/Cargo.toml --release --bin redoxfs – build/filesystem.bin.partial build/filesystem/
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.04 secs
Runningredoxfs/target/release/redoxfs build/filesystem.bin.partial build/filesystem/
redoxfs: opening build/filesystem.bin.partial
redoxfs: opened filesystem on build/filesystem.bin.partial with uuid 2301a522-5368-4fa3-b781-a8e2700a8764
redoxfs: mounted filesystem on build/filesystem.bin.partial to build/filesystem/
sleep 2
pgrep redoxfs
cp filesystem.toml build/bootloader build/kernel build/filesystem/
cargo run --manifest-path installer/Cargo.toml --release – --cookbook=cookbook -c filesystem.toml build/filesystem/
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.11 secs
Runninginstaller/target/release/redox_installer --cookbook=cookbook -c filesystem.toml build/filesystem/
Install Config {
general: GeneralConfig {
prompt: false
packages: {
“ca-certificates”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“coreutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“drivers”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“extrautils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“findutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“installer”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“ion”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“logd”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“netdb”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“netstack”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“netsurf”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“netutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“nulld”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“orbdata”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“orbital”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“orbterm”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“orbutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“pkgutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“ptyd”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“randd”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“redoxfs”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“smith”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“userutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“uutils”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
“zerod”: PackageConfig {
version: None,
git: None,
path: None
files: [
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/init.d/00_base”,
data: “nulld\nzerod\nrandd\nlogd\nptyd\npcid /etc/pcid/filesystem.toml\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/init.d/10_net”,
data: “smolnetd\ndnsd\ndhcpd -b\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/init.d/20_orbital”,
data: “orbital display:3/activate orblogin launcher\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/init.d/30_console”,
data: “getty display:2\ngetty debug: -J\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/net/dns”,
data: “\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/net/ip”,
data: “\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/net/ip_router”,
data: “\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/net/ip_subnet”,
data: “\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/net/mac”,
data: “54-52-00-ab-cd-ef\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/pkg.d/50_redox”,
data: “”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/group”,
data: “root;0;root\nuser;1000;user\nsudo;1;user\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/hostname”,
data: “redox\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/issue”,
data: “########## Redox OS ##########\n# Login with the following: #\n#user
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/etc/motd”,
data: “Welcome to Redox OS!\n\n”,
symlink: false
FileConfig {
path: “/usr/bin”,
data: “/bin”,
symlink: true
users: {
“root”: UserConfig {
password: Some(
uid: Some(
gid: Some(
name: Some(
home: Some(
shell: None
“user”: UserConfig {
password: Some(
uid: None,
gid: None,
name: None,
home: None,
shell: None
} to build/filesystem/
Create directory build/filesystem/
repo - building ca-certificates
cook - ca-certificates build
certdata.txt was not found. The certdata.txt file must be in the local
directory, or speficied with the --certdata switch.
./ recipe for target ‘build/filesystem.bin’ failed
make: *** [build/filesystem.bin] Error 1